6.2 GDP of Haiti and its unique sectorial makeup 

6.2 GDP of Haiti and its unique sectorial makeup 

All sectors that make up Haiti’s GDP: 

Predominant Sectors: Agriculture, Services (including trade, transportation, and hospitality).

Not So Predominant Sectors: Industry (manufacturing, construction).

Total GDP: 

Total GDP:  Haiti’s GDP per person was US$ 1745.9 in 2022, and its GINI index was 41.1. Haiti was ranked 163 out of 191 countries in the UN Human Development Index in 2022.

Primary industry share of the total GDP:   Sectors contributing to Primary Industry: Agriculture, mining, fishing. Agriculture accounted for 22.1% to total GDP in 2017. No recent data is Available.

Secondary industry share of the total GDP:   – Sectors contributing to Secondary Industry: Manufacturing, construction. Industry share 20.3%to total GDP in 2017. No recent data Available.

Tertiary industry share of the total GDP:    – Sectors contributing to Tertiary Industry: Services, tourism, finance.  Services Share 57.6%to total GDP in 2017. No recent data is available.

GDP growth rate – YOY: 

Total GDP growth rate:  The GDP growth rate of Haiti in 2022 was -1.68%, up 0.12% from 2021.

 Primary Industry Growth Rate: Tends to be impacted by weather conditions, technological advancements, and market demand.

Secondary Industry Growth Rate: Influenced by global market trends, local policies, and investment in infrastructure.

Tertiary Industry Growth Rate: Typically influenced by consumer spending, tourism, and service sector expansion.

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