19.2 GDP of Sri Lanka and its Unique Sectorial Makeup 

19.2 GDP of Sri Lanka and its Unique Sectorial Makeup 

All Sectors in Sri Lanka’s GDP  

Predominant sectors include services (tourism and IT), agriculture, and manufacturing.

Not So Predominant sectors while mining and construction contribute less significantly.

Total GDP: 

The total GDP is $321.98 billion in 2023.

Primary industry contributes 8.75 % to the total GDP in 2022. Sectors contributing to Primary Industry include agriculture and forestry.

The secondary industry shares 30.27 % of the total GDP in 2022. Sectors contributing to Secondary Industry include manufacturing and construction.

Tertiary industry contributes 56.11% to the total GDP in 2022. Sectors contributing to the Tertiary Industry include tourism and information technology.

Figure 1: Sri Lanka: GDP (gross domestic product) share of economic sectors from 2012 to 2022

GDP Growth Rate – YOY: 

Total GDP growth rate:  Sri Lanka’s real gross domestic product growth slowed down from the previous year by 11.3 percentage points, or -321.94 percent. As a result, 2022 has the lowest growth rate over the studied period. Expressed in national currency units, this indicator shows the yearly change in the gross domestic product at constant prices.  

Figure 2:  Sri Lanka: How much the country’s actual economy grew from 2012 to 2022.

Primary Industry growth rate: The growth rate in the primary industry varies, influenced by agriculture and mining performance.

Secondary Industry growth rate:  The secondary industry’s growth rate fluctuates, driven by manufacturing and construction trends.

Tertiary Industry growth rate:  The tertiary industry typically experiences more stable growth, particularly in the services sector.

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